Ammonium Bicarbonate

Ammonium Bicarbonate

Ammonium Bicarbonate is a white crystalline solid having the odor of ammonia. It is soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol, acetone, benzene. It dissolve in water to give a mildly alkaline solution.

Other Names
Ammonium hydrogencarbonate, Acid ammonium carbonate, Monoammonium carbonate, Bicarbonate of ammonia
Chemical Formula
Molar Mass
79.055 g/mol
> > > >
Appearance White Crystalline Powder
Purity 99 % - min
Chloride As Cl 0.01 % - max
Non-Volatile Matter 0.01 % - max
Sulphate (SO4) 0.01 % - max
Copper (As Cu) 10 ppm - max
Arsenic (As As2O3) 1.5 ppm - max
Heavy Metals (As Pb) 2.5 ppm - max


Ammonium Bicarbonate is widely used in the food industry as a raising agent for flat baked goods, such as cookies and crackers.
It is used in fire extinguishers, manufacture of porous plastics, manufacture of dyes and pigments, as a fertilizer, in chrome leather tanning, to remove gypsum from heat exchangers and other processing equipment.
It is used in ceramic industry and light weight brick production.