Borax Pentahydrate

Borax Pentahydrate

Borax Pentaydrate is white, crystalline solid. It has a higher boron content per unit mass and less hygroscopic compared to Borax Decahydrate.

Other Names
Borax 5 mol, Di sodium tetraborate pentahydrate
Chemical Formula
Molar Mass
291.35 g/mol
Appearance Colourless, White Crystalline Solid
Boron Content (As B2O3) 48 %
Na2O 21.25 %
Matter In soluble In Water 1 % - max
Bulk Density (Loose) 1.02 gm/cc
Particle Size (+1.2 Mm 3% Max)
(-0.075 Mm 5% Max)
Solubility In Water (At 100 °C) 51.2 %
pH 0.1 % Solution (At 20 °C) 9.3
pH 1.0 % Solution (At 20 °C) 9.2


Borax Pentahydrate is widely used in ceramic industries to increase strength, scratch resistance of wall & floor tiles, table & sanitaryware, etc. It is also plays a important role in reducing melting temperature and improves the fit between the glaze & body in ceramic application.
It is used in glass making like fibreglass, textile fibreglass and borosilicate glasses.
It is used as a buffer agent, in welding flux in metallurgy and to control viscosity.
It is used as an anti-fungal compound and as an insecticide.