Heavy Liquid Paraffin(HLP) – IP Grade

Heavy Liquid Paraffin(HLP) – IP Grade

Heavy Liquid Paraffin is the common name for the alkane hydrocarbons. Heavy Liquid paraffin found as a white, odourless, tasteless liquid.

Appearance Clear, Colourless Liquid
Colour (Saybolt) +30 - max
Kinematic Viscosity At 40 °C 60 - 70 cSt
Specific Gravity At 25 °C 0.860 - 0.904
Flash Point 230 - 250 °C
Acidity Pass
Pour Point -10°C
Sulphur Compounds Pass
Solid Paraffin Pass


Components for the lubricants of the tin band intended to be used for the tinned food.
Oiling of the cart and cartons for fruits and vegetables
Plasticizer for polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, etc.
Plasticizer for annealing of printed objects in nylon.
Compressors for reactive gases like chlorine and sulphur dioxide.