

Hexanes are significant constituents of gasoline. They are widely used as cheap, relatively safe, and easily evaporated non-polar solvents.

Other Names
n-Hexane, Hexane,
Chemical Formula
Molar Mass
86 g/mol
Appearance Clear, Colourless Liquid
Assay 90 – 99.5 %
Specific Gravity At 25 °C 0.69 – 0.71
Suspended Matter 1 %


Hexane is used as a solvent to extract edible oils from seed and vegetable crops.
Hexane are used as a solvent for glues, varnishes and inks. It is used as a cleaning agent in the printing industry.
As a special-purpose solvent and cleaning agent in such industries as textile manufacture, shoe and leather making.
It has been used as a denaturing agent in some alcohol preparations. It is used as a carrier or aerosol agent in some perfumes.
In the petrochemical industry, lighter alkane fractions including n-hexane may be used as feedstocks in the manufacture of polyethylene or polypropylene.
In the manufacture of truck and automobile tyres, hexane is a solvent mixtures used to adjust the viscosity of the rubber while it is being polymerized and formed into tires.