Magnesium Oxide

Magnesium Oxide

Magnesium Oxide is a white powder, normally hygroscopic in nature. It is soluble in acids and ammonium salt solutions.

Other Names
Magnesia, periclase, Maglite, Seasorb, Oxymag, Light magnesia, Magcal
Chemical Formula
Molar Mass
40.304 g/mol
Appearance White Powder
Purity (As MgO) 85 - 90%
Mg Content 51 % - min
Loss On Ignition 1.5 % - max
Iron Oxide 0.4 % - max
Silica Content 10 - 12 % - max
Particle Size 200 mesh


Magnesium oxide is used in the manufacture of fire bricks, magnesia cements, crucibles and boiler scale compounds. It is also used in ceramic industries.
It is a component of animal feeds, fertilizers, petroleum additives and electrical heating rods.
It is widely used in wastewater treatment, drinking water treatment, air emissions treatment and waste treatment for its acid buffering capacity and high effectiveness in stabilizing dissolved heavy metal species.
In medical science, magnesium oxide is used for relief of heartburn and stomach, as an antacid, magnesium supplement ant as a shot term laxative.