

Phenol is an organic compound which is produced on a large scale from petroleum. It is derived from benzene and propylene. They are more soluble in water than are alcohols and have higher boiling points. It occurs either as colourless liquids or white crystalline solid.

Other Names
Carbonic acid, Phenylic acid, Hydroxybenzene, Phenic Acid
Chemical Formula
Molar Mass
94.113 g/mol
Appearance Colourless to light pink free from suspended matter
Purity 99.50 % - min
Moisture 0.10 % - max
Crystallizing Point 40.5 °C – min
Residue On Evaporation 0.05 % – max


It is used to produce a wide variety of chemical intermediates, including phenolic resins, bisphenol – A, caprolactum, alkyl phenols, adipic acid, plasticizers, etc.
Used in the manufacture of preservatives, disinfectants, lubricating oils, herbicides, insecticides, pharmaceuticals, etc.
Phenol is a major component of phenolic adhesives used in wood products such as plywood and oriented strand board. It is used to produce phenolic resins used in the moulding of heat-resistance components for household appliances, ccounter-top and flooring laminates, and foundry casting.
It is a valuable intermediate in the manufacture of detergents, agricultural chemicals, medicines, plasticisers and dyes.

We are also supplier of hydrated phenol with phenol content of 91.5 to 96 %.