Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) -400

Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) -400

Polyethylene Glycol - 400 is a low molecular weight grade of polyethylene glycol. It is a clear, colourless, viscous liquid. Due to its low toxicity, it is widely used in a variety of pharmaceutical formulations.

Other Names
Propylene Glycol, PEG - 400
Chemical Formula
C2nH4n+2On+1;n=8.3 to 9.2
Molar Mass
380 - 420 g/mol
Appearance Clear Colourless Viscous Liquid
Molecular Weight 380 - 420
Specific Gravity At 25°C 1.112 – 1.125
Water 1 % - max
Melting point 4 - 10 °C
pH 4 - 7
Hydroxyl value 264 – 300


Polyethylene Glycol - 400 are widely used in variety of pharmaceutical formulations including parenteral, topical, oral and recta preparations.
It is used as a water miscible solvent for the contents of soft gelatin capsules. They may cause hardening of the capsule shell by preferential absorption of moisture from gelatin in shell.
Used as the vehicle for parenteral dosage forms.
It is used in skin creams and toothpastes as combined with glycerine.