Sulfuric Acid

Sulfuric Acid

Sulfuric acid is a colourless oily liquid. It is It is corrosive to metal and tissue. It is soluble in water with release of heat. Long term exposure to low concentrations or short term exposure to high concentrations can result in adverse health effects from inhalation.

Other Names
Oil of vitriol, vitriol, DihydrogenSulfate, acidosolforico, dipping acid, mattling acid
Chemical Formula
Molar Mass
98 g/mol
Appearance Clear, Colourless Liquid
Colour (APHA) 10 - max
Assay 95 - 98 %
Chloride (Cl) 0.1 ppm - max
Nitrate (NO3) 0.2 ppm - max
Phosphate (PO4) 0.5 ppm - max
Aliminum (Al) 0.2 ppm
Calcium (Ca) 0.3 ppm
Chromium (Cr) 0.2 ppm
Copper (Cu) 0.1 ppm
Iron (Fe) 0.2 ppm
Lead (Pb) 0.3 ppm
Magnesium (Mg) 0.3 ppm
Titanium (Ti) 0.3 ppm
Zinc (Zn) 0.2 ppm
Nickel (Ni) 0.1 ppm


Sulfuric acid is an important chemical used to make fertilizers, explosives, dyestuffs and other chemicals.
It is used in petroleum refining, ore processing, paper manufacturing, battery manufacturing, leather industries, printing industries, etc.
In the production of phosphoric acid. It is used in large quantities by the iron and steelmaking industry to remove oxidation, rust and scalling from rolled sheet.
It is the usual catalyst for the conversion of cyclohexanoneoxime to caprolactam, used for making nylon. It is used for making hydrochloric acid from salt.
Large power batteries such as those found in hospital imaging equipment, car batteries and farm equipment batteries all contain sulphuric acid.
We also supply sulphuric acid of 70% concentration and other grades as per your requirements.