

Xylenes - para-xylene, ortho-xylene and meta-xylene - are extracted or distilled from gasoline refining. They can also be produced from toluene using the disproportionation process. Xylene is mainly supplied as a mixed stream, although various processes are used to separate the individual isomers for specific end-uses.

Assay (by GC) (Xylene Isomers & Ethyl Benzene) 99.83 %
Paraxylene 21.55 %
Metaxylene 46.35 %
Orthoxylene 15.87 %
Ethyl Benzene 15.88 %
Boiling Range 137-143 °C
Colour (APHA) 2
Appearance Clear
Residue After Evaporation <10 ppm
Sulfur Compounds <1 ppm
Water 0.032%
Specific Gravity @ 15.56 °C 0.872
Benzene Content 0.00
Toluene Content 0.02 %
Total C9 Aromatics 0.10 %
Non-Aromatics 0.05 %


As a solvent in printing, rubber and leather industries.
In ink, rubber, adhesive industries.
Xylene is used in the laboratory to make baths with dry ice to cool reaction vessels.
In the manufacture of Terephthalic Acid for polyester.